TikTok parental control helps to reduce use in 2020

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tiktok parental control

Parents can control screen time, direct messages or restrict sensitive content. The functionality already tested in the United Kingdom and seeks to increase the “digital well-being” of young people. The TikTok short video application introduced new functionality so that parents or guardians control the activity in the profiles of the young people in their care. The Family Safe Mode” used remotely from another smartphone, without the need to access the device of minors. Whose are parents , they should maintain tiktok parental control otherwise it goes negative way.


How to use the TikTok parental control?

tiktok parental control

For activating it, it necessary to create an adult profile on TikTok and then associate it by scanning a QR code to the child’s account. Once  done, it possible to control different aspects of children’s “digital well-being” on the social network. On the one hand, you can manage screen time, control direct messages (both who can send messages to the account and disable them altogether) or restrict the appearance of inappropriate content for all audiences. However, the application has not detailed how they identify inappropriate content, so some users have expressed their concern.


The application has not detailed how they identify inappropriate content


On the one hand, you can manage screen time, control direct messages (both who can send messages to the account and disable them altogether) or restrict the appearance of inappropriate content for all audiences. However, the application has not detailed how they identify inappropriate content, so some users have expressed their concern.

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The parental control tool was launched in the testing phase in the United Kingdom and is now available in Spain. 


Local creators to remind the community


TikTok has also introduced another Screen Time Management function. In which you can limit the daily access time to the contents of your wall. The social network has partnered with some of the local creators to remind the community “that they should be aware of screen time in the app and encourage them to take breaks. The measure comes after the criticism received last year towards the little control demanded against child cyberbullying within the social network, the problems with privacy policies and data management; as well as advertising aimed at minors that allowed purchases to be made directly from the application.

They should be aware of screen time in the app – tiktok parental control

The parental control tool was launched in the testing phase in the United Kingdom and is now available in Spain. TikTok also introduced another Screen Time Management function . In which you limit the daily access time to the contents of your wall. The social network has partnered with some of the local creators to remind the community that they should be aware of screen time in the app and encourage them to take breaks. The measure comes after the criticism received last year. It towards the little control demanded against child cyberbullying within the social network. The problems of privacy policies and data management. as well as advertising aimed at minors . It allowed purchases to be made directly from the application. Tiktok parental control is vey important for a parents.

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