Colon Cancer Icd 10 – Symptoms And Its Treatment

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Colon Cancer Icd

The intestine is the organ responsible for the absorption of nutrients that come from food. It has the appearance of a hollow tube about 7 meters long. But can vary from 4 to 10 meters or even more) divided into the small intestine or small intestine. In turn divided into duodenum, jejunum, and ileum) and large intestine or large intestine. The large intestine includes the right or ascending colon (with the cecum and appendix), the transverse colon, the left or descending colon, the sigmoid, and the rectum. What is the symptoms of colon cancer icd 10. Here you will know about the symptoms, cure process and its treatment. So, keep your eyes on this blog.


What is a colon cancer icd 10?


Colorectal cancer is due to the uncontrolled proliferation of the mucosal cells that cover this organ. They are generally distinguished in colon tumors proper and tumors of the rectum or the last part of the intestine.



They can manifest themselves in different ways and frequencies: respectively 70 percent and 30 percent approximately. Furthermore, the tumor’s precise location along the colon and rectum can correspond to different molecular characteristics. They can influence the choice of the type of surgery, sometimes radiotherapy, and treatments offered to the patient. The word to the expert. Molecular oncologist Alberto Bardelli takes stock of colorectal cancers and the latest advances in research on this disease.

How widespread it is

In Western countries, cancer Colorectal cancer is the second malignant incidence after breast cancer in women and the third after one lung and prostate cancer in humans. The disease, quite rare before the age of 40, is more widespread in people between the ages of 60 and 75, with few distinctions between men and women.

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In the USA, it is estimated that this cancer affects about 23,000 women and 30,000 men every year (dataAIRTUM- Italian Association of Cancer Registry 2017). The incidence is increasing in the female population due to the increasingly uniform lifestyle habits between them. In recent years, there has been an increase in diagnoses of colorectal cancer and a decrease in mortality, mainly attributable to screening programs, early diagnosis, and improvement of therapies, increasingly targeted and personalized.

Who is at risk

Colorectal cancer risk factors are linked to diet, genes, and other non-hereditary causes. Since these are pretty common factors, everyone is at risk.

What is the Nutritional factors of colon cancer icd 10. 

Many studies show that a diet high in animal fat and protein and low in fiber is associated with increased intestinal tumors. Conversely, diets rich in fiber, characterized by high consumption of fruit and vegetables, seem to have a protective role. Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are additional risk factors.

Genetic factors

It is possible to inherit the predisposition to get colorectal cancer. If there are diseases. Such as hereditary adenomatous polyposis (including familial polyposis adenomatosis or FAP, Gardner’s and Turcot’s syndrome. Carcinoma hereditary colorectal on a non-polyposis (also called HNPCC or Lynch syndrome. These are diseases transmitted by parents carrying specific genetic alterations and may not even give rise to any symptoms. The probability of passing the altered gene to offspring is 50 percent, regardless of gender.

Non-hereditary factors

Age essential (the incidence ten times higher among people aged between 60 and 64 than in those aged 40-44), smoking, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (including colitis), ulcer disease, and Crohn’s disease ), a history of colon polyps or previous colorectal cancer. Polyps and carcinomas that are not inherited syndromes are termed “sporadic.” The risk of developing colon cancer is estimated to increase two to three times in the first-degree relatives of a person with cancer or large bowel polyps.


What is the types of colon cancer icd 10.


Most colorectal cancers result from the malignant transformation of polyps, or small growths due to the proliferation of intestinal mucosal cells. Polyps considered precancerous forms, although they fall under benign pathologies. The polyp defined, based on its characteristics, sessile (i.e., with a flat base) or pedunculated (i.e., attached to the intestinal wall using a small stalk).

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Not all polyps, however, are at risk for malignancy. There are, in fact, three different types. Only the latter constitute precancerous lesions, and of them, only a tiny percentage transforms into malignant neoplasm.



In most cases, polyps have no symptoms; only in 5 percent of cases can they give rise to small losses of blood detectable with a stool test for the search for the so-called “occult blood.”

Colorectal cancer occurs, in half of the cases, in the sigma. That is, in the last part of the colon itself) and in the rectum. In a quarter of patients, it the ascending colon that affected. In contrast, the disease’s localization in the transverse and descending colon occurs in about one in five cases.

By the time of diagnosis, one-third of sufferers already present liver metastases. Symptoms highly variable and conditioned by various factors such as the tumor’s location. This means that cancer manifestations often similar to those of many other abdominal or intestinal diseases. Thus, early, vague and occasional symptoms such as tiredness and lack of appetite and other more serious ones such as anemia and weight loss often overlooked by the patient. Sometimes stubborn constipation, alternating with diarrhea, can be a first alarm bell.


What is the Prevention of colon cancer icd 10.


Suppose a person knows that they are at high risk because they have had relatives with this cancer in one or other family branches. In that case, they should follow a diet low in fat, low in meat, and high in fiber, vegetables, and fruit to reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancers.

The occult blood in the stool can identify 25 percent of colon and rectum cancers. Therefore recommended in the context of screening for all individuals aged 50 to 75 years of age, every two years. If the test positive, colonoscopy indicated, examining the colon with a unique flexible tube. The examination, if negative, must be repeated every five years. The search for occult blood in the stool. In these cases carried out annually. In the case of hereditary genetic syndromes, on the other hand, specific protocols followed starting from a young age.